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发布时间:2024-09-19 人浏览

本文摘要:China launched a new high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging satellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center last Wednesday.上周三,在太原卫星发射中心,我国升空了一颗新型高分辨率合成孔径雷达光学卫星The Gaofen-3 satellite was launched off the back of a Long March 4C carrier rocket at 6:55 am.当天清晨6时55分,高分三号卫星是由长征四号丙运载火箭升空升空的。

China launched a new high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging satellite from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center last Wednesday.上周三,在太原卫星发射中心,我国升空了一颗新型高分辨率合成孔径雷达光学卫星The Gaofen-3 satellite was launched off the back of a Long March 4C carrier rocket at 6:55 am.当天清晨6时55分,高分三号卫星是由长征四号丙运载火箭升空升空的。The Gaofen-3 is Chinas first SAR imaging satellite that is accurate to one meter in distance. It covers the globe with an all-weather, 24-hour observation service.高分三号卫星是中国首颗精确度超过1米的SAR光学卫星。它可以获取全天候、24小时的覆盖面积全球的仔细观察服务。It is capable of taking wide pictures of the earth and photographing detailed scenarios of specific areas. It will be used for disaster warning, weather forecasting, water resource assessment and maritime rights protection.该卫星需要摄制大光学幅宽的地球照片,也能摄制特定区域的详细情况。

它将用作灾害预警、天气预报、水资源评估和海洋权益维护。Gaofen-3 is also Chinas first low orbit remote sensing satellite that has a lifespan of eight years.此外,高分三号还是我国第一颗使用寿命约8年的较低轨遥测卫星。



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